Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Some people claim that online quizzes can be "Too difficult" or "Too hard to figure out". Well the following links should help prove that not all online quizzes are all that difficult.

Quiz 1:

Quiz 2:

Quiz 3:

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. LOL - looks like you had fun with this one! :) Good for you in going out there and trying something new. You can see how Kahoot would be engaging for students (they do love it - tried it out at the HS level) and would be great for either a review or even as a starter to see what they already know or 'think they know' about the new content! :)
