Friday, July 25, 2014

Digital Badge #4

Lots of teachers are always asking themselves the same question when they first start their jobs as a teacher. "How can I possibly make it as an educator" Well, luckily for them it is a question that thanks to reading all the relevant chapters in this book I have finally found the answer. And it lies within 3 simple questions: "What can I do to help them understand the subject?" "How can I be sure that they'll understand the content?", & "How will I be able to connect with my students?" Worry no more future teachers of America. For I have found the answers to those questions and if you would like to see them, please click on this link below.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo for your continued exploration in the web tools that can be used for instruction - nice work! This image (I think you uploaded the image after capturing it from the site, right?) needs to be considerably re-sized as it is too wide for the page. Please do that and then try again.

    If this is actually from an embed code, you can look at the code and see the width - if it shows at 1000, for example, just change to 300 and you should see the difference when you re-publish.
